# The MINDecoding Interface Welcome the MINDecoding Interface Documentation! ```{admonition} The Acronym MINDecoding = Movement Intent Decoding ``` GUI and Raw Plots This will contain documentation on how to install, build & run the program, user documentation on how to use the program, and developer documentation on how the code is organized & how to add new features. ```{toctree} :maxdepth: 1 :caption: User Documentation usage/overview usage/installation_and_usage usage/capabilities/index usage/gui/index usage/peripherals usage/plotters/index usage/workflows/index usage/settings/index ``` ```{toctree} :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Developer Documentation dev/high_level_overview dev/parameterized dev/backend/index dev/gui/index dev/plotter api/index ``` # Indices and tables * {ref}`genindex` * {ref}`modindex` * {ref}`search`