Installation & Usage

Here we describe how to install the necessary Python dependencies and then how to run the program.


First clone this repository to your machine. Then create a Python 3.7 environment. We typically use conda. To create the conda environment, execute

$ conda create -n decoding python=3.7
$ conda activate decoding

Next, install the MINDecoders repository into this conda environment. To do this, just clone that repository to a separate folder, and in your python environment run

$ python -m pip install -e <path_to_MINDecoders_repo>

See that repo’s README for more details related to installation.

Finally, install the rest of the necessary libraries using your package manager. If using conda, execute

$ conda env update --file requirements.yaml

If using pip, execute

$ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt


To run the Movement Intent Decoder software, first activate your virtual environment and enter the repo’s source folder.

$ conda activate decoding
$ cd <path_to_MINDecoding-Interface_repo>/src

To finally run the program, execute

$ python

This will by default run the Backend on localhost:23432 with the GUI. To see different run options, execute

$ python --help
usage: [-h] [--plot] [--timing] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [--gpu [GPU]]
               [--backend] [--no-backend] [--address ADDRESS] [--port PORT]

Starts the EMG-Decoder software which consists of a frontend-backend pair. The
default mode starts the GUI and the Backend. To only start the GUI and not a
backend, specify --no-backend. To only start the backend, specify --backend.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --plot               start the graphing window
  --timing             enable logging of execution times
  --log-file LOG_FILE  name of log file
  --gpu [GPU]          command separated list of CUDA GPU IDs. (No GPUS used
                       otherwise). NO SPACES!
  --backend            only start the backend process
  --no-backend         don't start the backend process
  --address ADDRESS    the IP address of the backend
  --port PORT          the port of the backend

For example, to solely run the Backend on Port 23400, execute

$ python --backend --port 23400

And to solely run the GUI and connect to an existing Backend process running on Port 23400, execute

$ python main --no-backend --port 23400