
class backend.AnalysisPacket(print_func, calc_func, send_func, name: str, data_list=None)

This class holds a group of data used for analysis

excluded_params = []
__init__(print_func, calc_func, send_func, name: str, data_list=None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Generates plots comparing the data contained in the given files. Each file is a separate line. Each result is plotted separately


recalc – whether or not to recalculate the test results contained in the files

plot(results_dict=None, data_obj=None, recalc=False, plot_separately=False, separate_rmse=False, mov_box=False, file_box=False)

Plots the data in self.test_results (from the concatenated data)

  • results_dict – If given, calculate with that instead of self.test_results (backend uses this function)

  • data_obj – If given and if boxplot is True, use this to break up movements instead of (assumes that results_dict is in unshuffled movement order)

  • recalc – whether or not to recalculate the test results contained in the files

  • plot_separately – If True, each result will be plotted separately

  • separate_rmse – If True and plot_separately is False, then two plots will be generated: one with the RMSE results, and one with the other results

  • mov_box – If True, boxplots grouped by movement will be shown instead of regular plots. Assumes that the current results were calculated from the current object, otherwise the groupings will fail

  • file_box – If True, boxplots grouped by file will be shown instead of regular plots