Helpful Utilities for the backend process
- class backend.utils.DummyClass(*args, **kwargs)¶
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- backend.utils.empty_func(*args, **kwargs)¶
- backend.utils.pickle_to_str(obj)¶
Pickle the object to a string that can be saved as json
- backend.utils.unpickle_from_str(obj_str)¶
Load a pickled object from a string that was generated using the above pickle_to_str() method
- backend.utils.limit(prv, nxt, speed_limit)¶
- backend.utils.clamp(data, threshold, relax_pos=0)¶
- backend.utils.latch(prv, nxt, c)¶
- backend.utils.batch_output_filter(data, latch_c=1000000000.0, clamp_th=0, clamp_r=0, speed_limit=2, **kwargs)¶
- backend.utils.calc_mov_detect_results(self, dof=0)¶
Calculates the Detection and Traj Generation Results using the current movement detector.
self should be the backend object